Arogya World Archives

Education, Prevention and Hope on World Diabetes Day 2010

November 16th, 2010

Each year, November 14 marks World Diabetes Day, a day set aside to increase awareness of the disease, and educate the public about diabetes risks and prevention. A few days ago, on November 11, we launched the framework for our Healthy Schools and Healthy Workplace Seals of Approval in India, new programs to fight diabetes in India, where the incidence of diabetes is extremely high and growing.

Bloomberg: India’s Diabetes Epidemic Strikes Millions

November 10th, 2010

A new article in Bloomberg Markets Magazine examines the rising incidence of diabetes in India. Doctors cited in the article posit that Indians may be especially prone to developing non-communicable diseases like diabetes and heart disease due to recent changes in lifestyle as the economy has grown.

The article quotes Arogya World Steering Committee members Dr. Nikhil Tandon, Dr. Anoop Misra, and Dr. Viswanathan Mohan.

Supporters Gather to Celebrate Arogya World

November 9th, 2010

On Sunday, November 7, 2010, friends and supporters of Arogya World gathered at the suburban Philadelphia, PA, home of founder Nalini Saligram. There, they enjoyed a cooking demonstration of an original recipe for a diabetes friendly after school snack created exclusively for Arogya World, by renowned chef Hemant Mathur.

“Stamp out Soda” to Fight Chronic Disease?

November 3rd, 2010

In early October, New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, with the support of Governor David Paterson, proposed that the USDA’s food stamp program should prohibit New Yorkers from buying sugary soft drinks with state funds. The hope, of course, is to influence people to improve their diets and be healthier, thus reducing obesity and the risk of acquiring chronic diseases like diabetes, diseases that are as expensive to manage as they are debilitating.

Dr. Fran Kaufman, Chief Medical Officer and Vice President of Global Medical, Clinical & Health Affairs at Medtronic Diabetes, Distinguished Professor Emerita of Pediatrics and Communications at USC, and member of Arogya World’s Indo-US Scientific Steering Committee, suggests that “By improving the quality of what the federal food program pays for now, our government will reap the profits by spending less on chronic diseases in the future.”

Where Worlds Meet – Globalization as the Cause and Solution to NCDs

October 26th, 2010

In its September 23, 2010, issue, the ‘New England Journal of Medicine’ published an article titled “Global Non-communicable Diseases – Where Worlds Meet,” in which authors from Emory University, including Arogya World Scientific Steering Committee member Dr. KM Venkat Narayan, discuss the growing impact of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in low- and middle-income countries, further disproving the myth that diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease are problems only of wealthy nations.