A few days ago, the Center for Strategic International Studies SmartGlobalHealth.org project released a new and short online video titled “Spotlighting the NCDs Problem,” explaining the incredible rise in the incidence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) like cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and chronic respiratory illness, and the importance of September’s UN Summit on NCDs.
Building a Global Movement: Putting NCDs on the Radar
As health leaders are discussing NCDs during the World Health Assembly this week in Geneva, we wanted to highlight an op-ed we wrote on building a social movement with a focus on mobilizing the power of women and youth to combat this crisis. It also highlights NCDs as a social justice issue. Building a Global Movement: Putting NCDs on the Radar was co-authored with Sandeep P. Kishore of the Young Professionals Chronic Disease Network and published last night on Huffington Post.
The Moscow NCD Meeting Lived Up To Its Promise
WHO is to be congratulated for going out of its comfort zone. This week in Moscow, they demonstrated an uncharacteristic inclusiveness, bringing together multiple stakeholders from beyond the member states,… Read More
Historic Drive to UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs Goes into High Gear with Moscow Meetings
This week there is the much-awaited Russian Ministerial Meeting – The First Global Ministerial Conference on Healthy Lifestyles and Non-Communicable Disease Control – organized by the WHO and the Russian… Read More
Powerful Lancet Article Prioritizes Actions to Address NCDs
Over the last few weeks, the pace of developments in non-communicable disease (NCD) news has been heady. So much is happening it is hard even for those of us in… Read More
One More Window
This post was written by Nalini Saligram, PhD, founder and CEO of Arogya World. On Earth Day, we generally tend to focus on the impact of people on the planet…. Read More
Helping Moms This Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is fast approaching, and provides members and supporters of organizations such as ours with an opportunity to reflect on the role of mothers in disease prevention. As we’ve… Read More
Guest Post: Taking the Long View for a Healthier Future
Our guest blogger, Carol Teutsch, M.D., is an endocrinologist who practiced in Atlanta for 20 years, caring for and learning from many women patients. She worked at a pharmaceutical company… Read More
An Opportunity We Cannot Afford To Miss
CSIS held a blog contest on NCDs asking authors to answer the question “What should the key priority of the upcoming UN High Level Meeting on Non-Communicable Diseases be and… Read More
India Signals Commitment to Addressing NCDs: News Reports Say Prime Minister of India to Attend UN Summit
A news report in The Times of India from earlier this month disclosed some significant news – it said that India’s Prime Minister, Mr. Manmohan Singh, is planning to attend… Read More