Women As A Powerful Solution to the NCDs Crisis As the seven billionth person came into this world on October 31, 2011, we at Arogya World can’t help but reflect… Read More
The Blue Circle – A Powerful Symbol for World Diabetes Day
During the last month, you have probably seen more than one pink ribbon. Every October, breast cancer awareness month, we see the pink ribbon displayed on everything from shirts to… Read More
Arogya World’s Healthy Schools Program Progresses: Diabetes education begins in 6 Indian schools
Getting people to increase physical activity and improve their diet is the most difficult task in diabetes prevention. We believe we must reach and educate children on diabetes and… Read More
Thought for Food: A Student’s Perspective on Why Food is More Than What We Eat
Elizabeth Nussbaumer writes for Arogya World on the theme of “food” for Blog Action Day 2011 (#BAD11): I never thought I would be a masters student aspiring to study food, food security, agriculture, and its intersections with health and international development. I’ve always loved to cook, and would call myself a “foodie.” At one point I even considered culinary school, but I want to go beyond all of that. To me food is an incredible nexus of food security (including a population’s access to food and the price of food), agriculture and nutrition, and I find remarkable how this all affects economic stability, the environment, health, and life.
Working to Achieve Behavior Change: The Holy Grail of NCD Prevention
This post was first published on Health Unbound. At one and a half years old, Arogya World is all grown up. This September we took one giant step forward in… Read More
Post UN Summit – News Round Up
What a wonderful couple of weeks it has been since the UN summit. Lots of momentum and dialogue on NCDs. 1. First, we were most impressed with the leadership and… Read More
How India is Setting an Example with Nationwide Diabetes Screening
One of the challenges of diabetes – and there are many – is that when a person has the disease, it is not obvious to them. It is not uncommon… Read More
A Pivotal Week for NCDs – and Arogya World
What a week it was, September 16 – 22, 2011. Action packed. Heady. Full of monumental meetings and key personalities. Jolts of inspiration and renewed resolve to continue on our journey. Reinforcement that we at Arogya World are doing good work, well. A genuine leg up for our young organization, and a giant step forward for NCDs.
Arogya World Launches New Diabetes Prevention mHealth Program in India with Nokia Life Tools
Arogya World announced today a major diabetes prevention mobile health (mHealth) commitment in India, during the 2011 Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Annual Meeting. This initiative, being implemented in association with Nokia, aims to reach one million consumers in rural and urban India over two years, and will raise awareness about diabetes and its prevention through text messages in multiple languages.
Women for a Healthy Future: New Global Movement Demands Action Against NCDs
September 19, 2011, New York. Today, as world leaders gather at the United Nations for a historic health-focused summit to plan the world’s response to the growing burden of non-communicable… Read More