Arogya World Archives

NCDs Take Center Stage at Major Meetings

December 21st, 2010

Non-Communicable diseases (NCDs) are increasingly occupying a central part of the agenda at major world policy and business meetings. The World Economic Forum’s India Economic Summit held a panel discussion to highlight the growing burden of non-communicable diseases, on November 14, in Delhi, coincident with World Diabetes Day.

Add Your Voice to Shaping the UN Summit on Non-Communicable Diseases

December 13th, 2010

This week, the chronic disease community is watching closely and waiting anxiously for the UN Summit Modalities Resolution, in which the United Nations General Assembly will determine the format of the UN Summit on Non-Communicable diseases (NCDs) to be held in September 2011. This summit marks an unprecedented opportunity to raise the profile of these devastating diseases and will bring together leaders from around the world for concrete action on NCDs.

‘Health Affairs’ Highlights Chronic Disease

December 7th, 2010

Released today, the December 2010 issue of Health Affairs offers a number of thoughtful articles focusing on chronic disease. Featuring several studies from different parts of the world, the issue is dedicated to “Battling Chronic Disease Worldwide,” and highlights effective strategies to prevent and treat diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular disease, from Chile to China.

Prevention programs and greater utilization of primary care services, they found, are two of the best strategies to help people live longer, healthier lives while reducing health care spending. Arogya World Advisor Raj Dave comments on a business model for emerging markers.

Are you a Healthy Eater? CNN and Foursquare hope to help you to become one.

November 30th, 2010

In September 2010, CNN teamed up with the social network Foursquare to launch a “Healthy Eater” badge that Foursquare members could get by visiting any two participating local farmers’ markets. Kudos to CNN and Foursquare for using their platforms to take on social causes, for finding innovative ways to encourage people to eat right, and for trying to make eating healthy cool and fun.

Funding For NCDs Worryingly Low

November 23rd, 2010

Authors of a new report on worldwide funding for NCDs predict a future of difficult choices for resource-poor countries that must contend with a large infectious disease burden at the same time that the incidence of NCDs is on the rise.

In their analysis of donor spending on NCDs in developing countries, Nugent and Feigl found that though 60% of deaths around the world are from NCDs, and 80% of those occur in developing countries, less than 3% of overall development assistance for health in 2007 was dedicated to NCDs. Still donor funding for NCDs to developing countries grew by 618% between 2001 and 2008, in large part from private non-profit donors.

Setting a High Bar: The Lancet Series raises chronic diseases on the global development agenda

November 18th, 2010

On November 11, 2010, The Lancet published online a new series titled Chronic Disease as a Development Issue in preparation for the UN High Level Meeting of the General Assembly on non-communicable diseases, scheduled to take place in September of 2011. This is the third in a series of papers on chronic diseases that The Lancet has produced in the last five years. It is wonderful that they have set themselves such a high bar, saying that “Our measure of success for this Series will be a central place for chronic disease prevention in the global development agenda during the coming year and beyond.”

Education, Prevention and Hope on World Diabetes Day 2010

November 16th, 2010

Each year, November 14 marks World Diabetes Day, a day set aside to increase awareness of the disease, and educate the public about diabetes risks and prevention. A few days ago, on November 11, we launched the framework for our Healthy Schools and Healthy Workplace Seals of Approval in India, new programs to fight diabetes in India, where the incidence of diabetes is extremely high and growing.

Bloomberg: India’s Diabetes Epidemic Strikes Millions

November 10th, 2010

A new article in Bloomberg Markets Magazine examines the rising incidence of diabetes in India. Doctors cited in the article posit that Indians may be especially prone to developing non-communicable diseases like diabetes and heart disease due to recent changes in lifestyle as the economy has grown.

The article quotes Arogya World Steering Committee members Dr. Nikhil Tandon, Dr. Anoop Misra, and Dr. Viswanathan Mohan.

Supporters Gather to Celebrate Arogya World

November 9th, 2010

On Sunday, November 7, 2010, friends and supporters of Arogya World gathered at the suburban Philadelphia, PA, home of founder Nalini Saligram. There, they enjoyed a cooking demonstration of an original recipe for a diabetes friendly after school snack created exclusively for Arogya World, by renowned chef Hemant Mathur.