Let’s Talk About CVDs

Posted on: October 9th, 2020 by Arogya World

According to a report by the Global Burden of Diseases in 2016, 1.7 million Indians die due to Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Heart disease-related deaths are getting younger day by day as many young Indians are found suffering from heart diseases.

But the unavailability of processed, packaged, and fast foods during the nationwide lockdown, has helped improve the lifestyle and eating habits of Indians, especially those above the age of 50.

Based on research by the platform Healthians, there has been an astounding decrease of 22.3% in high total cholesterol in people during the lockdown. This is based on a data collection of 50,000 samples during the last quarter of 2019, in comparison to right after the lockdown was enforced. This study just goes to show the benefits of actually eating right and having home-cooked balanced meals, along with a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise.

Continuing our series on common lifestyle-related diseases, look out for tips on CVDs to help you set the right routine to lead a healthy life.

To read more of the mentioned report: https://lnkd.in/gpcQPyA

Link to our post: https://www.instagram.com/p/CGH-KPVpYP5/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link