World Diabetes Day (November 14) served as a reinforcement of the Arogya World team’s commitment to address the growing NCD menace in places where people live, learn, and work.
MyThali team – Conducted talks with Matrimony.com, Macchani Group, HCL Tech, PlanoTech, Prestige, and CGI – 500+ people attended the sessions. They clarified their doubts about healthy eating, learned how to balance meals, and understood the importance of reading food labels.
Healthy Schools Team – World Diabetes Day was observed at Dehimondalghat High School in Howrah and Murshidabad, where students showcased their learnings about healthy lifestyle choices in the presence of Government officials, School Management, ASHA workers, and the Arogya World team. In collaboration with our partner, the Child in Need Institute (CINI), the school organized various activities to educate adolescents on diabetes prevention and management. Students did a healthy food demonstration, highlighted the importance of nutritious eating habits, and participated in sports competitions (Badminton) to emphasize the importance of physical fitness. More than 2400 students participated.