Our Work in India

Arogya World currently has three main programs in India: Healthy Schools, Healthy Workplaces, and our flagship program, mDiabetes.

Why India

India is at the front line in the fight against diabetes. The prevalence of diabetes and other NCDs in India is extremely high and growing rapidly.

  • India is home to 50 million people with diabetes, and the IDF predicts that this number will reach 87 million by 2030.
  • On average, Indians get diabetes 10 years earlier than people in Western countries. Their age of highest risk is in the middle of their prime earning years.
  • Childhood diabetes rates in India have increased three-fold over the last 30 years
  • More than 20% of the population has at least one chronic disease; more than 10% has more than one.

The WHO estimates that diabetes, heart disease and stroke will cost about $237 billion in lost national income in India during 2005-2015. For a low-income Indian family with an adult who has diabetes, as much as 25% of family income may be devoted to diabetes care, according to the International Diabetes Federation.

Our Approach

Our goal is to reach 1 million Indians in 3-5 years and influence them to improve their diet and physical activity levels in order to prevent serious diseases like diabetes. We are employing a multi-pronged approach in India’s schools, workplaces, communities and are leveraging technology as a solution to the diabetes crisis.

Learn more about our track record of success.



Arogya World India Trust is seeking funding to develop a new nutritional icon for India called MyThali, based on the U.S.-based My Plate, and promote it widely to Indian women to empower them to steer their own families towards healthy living.