Soumyadeep is 14 years old and lives in the village of Ashta, West Bengal with his parents.
Before participating in Arogya World’s Healthy Schools Program, he was one of the 75% of adolescents in India getting insufficient physical activity.
Soumyadeep’s mother said, “He woke up late and went to school without eating breakfast. He spent all of his time watching television or playing on his phone, and would only eat junk food.”
But after participating in our Healthy Schools activities, Soumyadeep says he was inspired to make positive changes; he began waking up earlier, eating breakfast, and playing with his friends instead of just watching television. And he is not alone; 15.7% of children increase their daily vegetable intake as a result of our programming.
Without access to Arogya World’s critical healthy lifestyle education, it is likely Soumyadeep would become one of the millions of Indians who develop diabetes in their 30s, leading him to a lifetime of complications, suffering, and financial hardships from the disease.