“Doubling the funds for social good in India is within reach. We need to commit to it individually and via our organizations. It is exciting to watch the forces in India and outside, that are propelling us towards this. The Open Letter to Donors, governments and philanthropists from Catalyst 2030, the many efforts of India Philanthropy Alliance of which we are a founder member, of GiveIndia and their new exciting partnership with Indiaspora, the many significant efforts of Dasra including GivingPi, and of course the disruptive Big Bet givers in the US and India who are truly shaking up the world of philanthropy – all fill me with hope,” shared Dr Saligram. She reinforced that these are exciting times to have a front-row seat watching India’s Development scene unfold.
Many thanks to MR Rangaswami and the Indiaspora team for this opportunity.